EFI HOSTINEC restaurant with own microbrewery

The high-quality EFI Hostinec restaurant specialises in an honest Czech cuisine and uses local and fresh ingredients. You will travel back in time to when the culinary craft was performed with love, honesty, and an emphasis on quality.

Our restaurant serves both traditional and modern Czech dishes. It has its own meat aging room. We leave the meat to age for at least 40 days to achieve the finest steak prepared according to your taste. That is worth trying!

These dishes are prepared by our chefs in an open kitchen which allows you to watch them work. They will also be glad to advise you on the choice of food.

Our kitchen is led by chef Jan Malinka who draws his experience in restaurants and hotels here in the Czech Republic and abroad. He and his team will prepare extraordinary gastronomic experiences for you.



Breakfast is usually the first meal of a day of hard work. That’s why you need to have quality, hearty and tasty breakfast!

Breakfast menu


Every week we prepare an original lunch menu paying attention to the seasonality of ingredients.

This week’s lunch menu

LUNCH MENU - burger
À LA CARTE MENU - kolano wieprzowe pieczone


We offer our guests traditional Czech cuisine recreated for modern tastes. We modify the varied menu according to the season and based on currently available seasonal ingredients and complement it by our bistro menu which includes, for example, fresh fish from the fish tank directly from the fishermen.

À la carte menu



In the three-vessel Czech-made brewhouse, beer is brewed for you in all the styles and tastes that exist in the world. We use the best available ingredients and, as far as we can, we brew by hand. We do not speed up anything and use modern technologies only when it is not detrimental to quality.

Learn more about EFI Pivovar brewery


Our wine shop includes more than 40 samples of local wines. We cooperate with the best Moravian winemakers. We also offer our own chateau wine – a special Račice Chateau edition made in cooperation with the Gotberg winery.


You can taste the finest Italian wines that we select carefully from the foreign suppliers in the entire Italy.


Wina zagraniczne



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Paštika z kachních jater s portským vínem a cibulovou marmeládou.jpg
Pannacotta z kozího sýra s mařinovanou řepou a ořechy.jpg
Talíř našich uzenin se smetanovým křenem, hořčicí a kyselými okurky.jpg
Tvarůžkový tartar na topince s česnekem.jpg
Kulajda s pošírovaným vejcem, houbami a bramborovými chipsy - czech specials.jpg
Hovězí vývar s játrovými knedlíčky, celestýnskými nudlemi a zeleninou - detail.jpg
Cibulačka zapečená Blaťáckým zlatem-detail.jpg
Panenka pečená v listovém těstě s bramborovou kaší a omáčkou z hrubozrnné hořčice.jpg
Hovězí guláš s domácím houskovým knedlíkem.jpg
Čtvrtka pomalu pečené kachny s Tuřanským zelím a bramborovým knedlíkem.jpg
Květákové souflé se sýrem Gran Moravia a míchaným salátem.jpg
Řízek ze stařené vepřové kotlety s bramborovým salátem-detail.jpg
Kuře z naší udírny, pečené brambory s brynzou, omáčka z čabajky a zelný salát.jpg
Pečená vepřová BBQ žebra s hořčicí, křenem a zelným salátem, rozpečený chléb.jpg
Smažený sýr s hranolkami a domácí tatarskou omáčkou.jpg
Svíčková na smetaně s domácím karlovarským knedlíkem a brusinkami.jpg
Tatarák z hovězí svíčkové s kravským sýrem a topinkami s česnekem a nakládanou cibulí_.jpg
Dukátové buchtičky s vanilkovým šodó.jpg
Čokoládový fondant s malinovou omáčkou a domácí zmrzlinou.jpg
Celá pečená kachna (2,3 kg), červené a bílé zelí, variace knedlíků_.jpg
Živáňská jehla (2 kg), pečené brambory s cibulí a čabajkou_.jpg



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